
Screaming Mermaid Ferris Wheel by Maria Fox Larsson and Ernest Sairon

Screaming Mermaid Ferris Wheel — Interactive VR Installation

Screaming Mermaid (Ferris Wheel)Maria Fox Larsson, Ernest SaironVR installation ( + Unity)2023 Screaming Mermaid (Ferris Wheel) is part of an ongoing series called “Sad Broken Toys” that Maria Fox Larsson has been working on since February 24th, 2022. This series explores toy/playground techniques and aesthetics as a medium for expressing frustration and pain in a way that can bring emotional support and relief to the people around us. Screaming Mermaid is a …

Screaming Mermaid Ferris Wheel — Interactive VR Installation [Read more]

Screaming Mermaid Ferris Wheel sketch by Maria Fox Larsson


UPDATE: Thanks to all of you who have recorded your A-AAA-AAA-AAAAAAA for the Screaming Mermaid. The Mermaid, with all of your voices, is now available here as part of the virtual Quantum Critic exhibition. If life still feels like A-AAAA-AAA-AAAAAAAA, you are still very welcome to record a scream – I will use your screams in my upcoming artworks. Yours,Fox. For the virtual installation “Screaming Mermaid (Ferris Wheel),” my co-author Ernest Sairon …

Record your A-AAAAAAAA-AAAAAA [Read more]

Bird Love Radiant

This is a sketch I made with P5JS for my creative coding class (it will not work well on mobile devices, use something with a bigger screen and a keyboard if possible). You can move the left bird with arrows, and the right bird with AWSD.Pressing the spacebar will capture a screenshot of the current frame for you. P.S.: The birds are available as telegram stickers, check them out =)

Fox Larsson BeregodinokogoKO telegram stickers cover

BeregodinokogoKO telegram stickers

I started this sticker pack almost a year ago, in September 2020, as a present for my dad’s birthday. I had been listening to Sasha Sokolov’s “A School for Fools” on my dad’s recommendation, and we had been talking about the book a lot, quoting bits back and forth and enjoying the way the words were put together. You can find the Telegram version of the sticker pack here.

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