
Maria Fox Larsson works at the intersection of graphic art, sculpture and DIY robotics with a growing focus on immersive experiences. Maria’s art explores emotion through technological means and is strongly inspired by folk automata, DIY values and aesthetics, 20th century absurdist art, and medieval manuscript marginalia.

For a long time, the key motif in Maria’s art was balance: order vs. chaos, logical regularity vs. breaks and irrational glitches, perfection vs. imperfection, rigidity vs. flexibility, strength vs. vulnerability, shelter vs. confinement. But since February 24th 2022, their art has been centered around the feelings of pain, guilt, anger, fear, frustration, crushed hopes, and absolute disagreement with the ongoing war – that’s what they now explores in their street art, drawings, sculptures and robotic installations. Whatever the medium, Maria’s pieces always manifest a subtle balance between visual simplicity and naiveté on the one hand – and elaborate craftsmanship on the other.

Maria’s works have been shown in Finland, Russia, the UK and the USA, including five solo exhibitions. They live and work in Jakobstad, Finland. Maria is also a member and co-founder of “Artists 24” group and “24”, an independent artist-run gallery in St. Petersburg.

fox larsson bird sculpture

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